Mechanical Engineering

  • Teaching mechanical engineering programs with comprehensive tools and solutions will enable your students to learn how to work with machines and engines, from robotics to HVACR systems.

    Prepare your students for careers in the field by teaching basic and advanced principles of:

    • Fluid Mechanics
    • Mechatronics
    • Statics
    • Structures
    • Thermodynamics
  • Need CNC machine tools to accompany your mechanical engineering lab?

    CNC Machines, Tools and Solutions

Find mechanical engineering teaching solutions that complement your program.

  • Amatrol’s engineering learning systems are standard elements in thousands of laboratories throughout the world and applied to careers like electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, and civil engineers.
  • TecQuipment provides a variety of teaching modules that cover key aspects of the mechanical engineering discipline, including Fluid Dynamics, Statics, Structures and Thermodynamics.